четверг, 15 сентября 2011 г.

alistair sawday special places to stay in france::Surrounded by fields, the 2500 sq metres of mature garden may be the furthest you want to explore alistair sawday special places to stay in france

alistair sawday special places to stay in france alistair sawday special places to stay in france::Surrounded by fields, the 2500 sq metres of mature garden may be the furthest you want to explore.
There are nine different types of pine, poplar, willow, apple, pear, cherry, and fig trees and dozens of different shrubs, with enough room left over for some sporting activities or lazing in the sun all day.
A barbecue and two sets of tables and chairs are provided.
Within 400 meters of the house, we have seen wild boar, deer, hares, foxes, stone martens, buzzards, owls, woodpeckers and two different types of hawk.
Many of our regular clients have been watching the renovation of the old barn nearby.

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